Seven Products for a Healthy Holiday Season

By Isagenix Nutritional Sciences

Isagenix products can help keep the weight off during the holidays.It’s the same way year after year. Let’s face it—the holidays are no help for our weight management goals. Come January, the majority of us will end up having put on a couple (or more) extra pounds around the waist. Does it have to be this way? What can be done to keep the weight from piling on?

We’ve put together some of our favorite tips for helping you stay healthy and fit this holiday season with Isagenix products:

1. Want to stay away from that second helping of pumpkin pie? Keep yourself lean with IsaLean® Shake. (You could also try adding some pumpkin puree to your shake as a festive treat with extra fiber and vitamins.) Studies show that a high-protein meal replacement for breakfast (and lunch) helps you eat less later on in the day. Plus, the shake comes with energy-boosting carbs, good fats, and vitamins and minerals.

2. Before feasting be sure to fill up with FiberPro. The multi-fiber mix dissolves easily in any drink and its content of soluble fiber helps to not only keep you feeling fuller longer, but it has been shown to help in the maintenance of blood sugar levels already within a normal range.

3. Replace saturated and trans fats that drive up extra inches on your waist (and cholesterol) with protein and good fats from IsaCrunch™. The raw, hulled hemp seed is easy to use in a variety of recipes and can be an alternative to high-fat, high-salt croutons or cheese in salads and soups. 

4. Curb cravings for holiday cookies with SlimCakes®. The oatmeal-berry cookies are low in fat making them perfect weight-management snacks. Plus, they are an excellent source of soluble fiber, which is good for your colon and your heart.    

5. After splurging on stuffing, slim back down to size with delicious IsaLean® Bars. These tasty bars are packed with protein and nutrients, which, like the IsaLean Shake, and help keep your appetite satisfied for hours. 

6. Enjoy a season’s share of chocolaty goodness with IsaDelight Plus™ dark chocolates. They come without the typical high sugar and fat content of other chocolates. You’ll also get a whopping amount of antioxidant cocoa flavonols and green tea catechins that fight free radicals.

7. Worried about a few extra holiday calories? You can help compensate the next day by using Cleanse for Life™. The calorie cuts achieved by performing Cleanse Days helps you avoid extra pounds and can even help keep you from overeating later. You’ll also get valuable detoxification support your body needs for coping with all the goodies. 

These seven products will help you with your weight-management goals. But the best advice that we can give you is the following:

  • Keep portions reasonable.
  • Limit the alcohol.
  • Avoid foods high in fat, sugar and salt.
  • Take it slow—enjoying each bite and allowing your stomach time to tell your brain that you’re full.
  • Save the seconds for another day.